We are based in the Lower East Side of New York City, and while our heart is deeply rooted in New York, we're now actively pursuing opportunities to share our model beyond our own neighborhood.
Our concept for the INTER-CITIES PROJECT was sparked earlier this year when an emerging brand from London, MIISTA, produced a super successful pop-up with us in the Lower East Side. That got us thinking, how can we create opportunities for small businesses, creatives, and brands to connect with different neighborhoods and cities? The concierge services we provide in New York are key to the popups we help enable, so we began seeking out awesome local concierges in other cities that we could partner with. This way, whatever neighborhood or city someone pops up in, if they're popping up through miLES they'll get the local support and insights they need to make their pop-up a success.
We recently started the Inter-City Project with partners and spaces in London, Toronto and Vancouver. Through our process, we aim to connect with neighborhoods in these cities that are in sync with the diversity, grit and opportunities that we found in the Lower East Side, and with local hosts that share our vision of connecting people with spaces.
At the same time, we are also working closely with SQUARE on a pop-up tour with stops in Chicago, Miami, Austin and Los Angeles. Through this tour and the popups we produce in each city, we are looking to gather more thoughts, suggestions, and ideas of ways that pop-ups can help small businesses and emerging creatives. Find us and talk to us in these different cities this fall! Dates and details are included here.
Want to see more pop-ups in your neighborhood? We're on the lookout for neighborhood organizers and would love to hear from you.